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The World Health Organization said in 2007 that the number of sleep apnea patients
in the world was around 100 million. A report of the Lancert, a weekly peer reviewed
general medical journal, in July last year, however, brought up different figure:
1 billion based on the research and analysis carried out by ResMed, a medical equipment
company in Californa and 12 medical companies in 193 countries. The report also said
more than 50% of patients, who suffered from obesity, heart failure, stroke, TIA,
atrial fibrillation and 2 type diabetes, also have sleep apnea.
There is a saying 'sleep cures everything'. We experience our body work
better the next day after a sound sleep than a bad sleep. however,
not all of us can sleep soundly even if we really want to. Stress contributes to
this and some experets also point out snoring and sleep apnea. The problem,
however, is that there is still no decisive solution to these two symptoms.
A South Korean sleep solutions company Pasa Medi joined hands with Ilmi Dental Clinic
have carried out researches and clinical tests on snoring and sleep apnea for many years.
And in 2013 introduced Pasa, a mouth guard that can help people breathe easy
and nice while asleep.

Pasa Medi has upgraded the performance of as a year by year through 4,000

clinical tests and obtained a number of patents. Ilmi Dental Clinic, meanwhile,

has found out the correalation between sleep apnea and rhinitis and asthma,

and the complications it accompanies.

“Snoring and sleep apnea mean induced capacity to inhale oxygen.

It can cause complications such as chronic fatigue, daytime drowsiness,

headache, high blood pressure, cardiac arrythmia, memory deterioration,

diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorder, stroke and respiratory failure.

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Dr. Park, who has worked on PASA( intra-oral appliance for apnea and snoring)
for 10 years along-side runnung a dental clinic for 35 years, says “Each person has each
different shape of oral cavity, tooth arrangement and jaw. If the temporomandibular joint
is not levelled 3 dimensionally, occlusion is out of order. That means the dentures are not
working effective no matter how well they were made. This aroused my curiosity and
I found out that there is direct relation between temporomandibular joint and
cervical bones twisted. When a left or right TMJ is inclined, unlevelled, face is also
inclined on account of inclined jaw. Face inclined, then cervical bone follows to be inclined.
When cervical bone is inclined or twisted, then soft tissues attached to the cervical
bones narrowed, which is one of snoring and sleep apnea evoking etiologies.

So I developed PASA, one kind of mouth splints to stabilize temporomandibular joints
and to correct the inclined cervical bones as well as functional expansion of total mouth
cavity volume to bring the tongue to be laid more medially anteriorly.
I have applied PASA to the thousands of snoring and apnea patients and saw noticeable results.”

서울대학교 치과대학35년 경력

​턱관절 및 교합관련 치료 전문의


ilmi dental clinic

16 patent registrations from 8 countries and 6 PCT applications from South Korea and the U.S

서울대학교 치과대학35년 경력

​턱관절 및 교합관련 치료 전문의


DR. Kerry Park

Dr. Park has 35 years of clinical experience

specializing in treatment of snoring/sleep apnea

서울대학교 치과대학35년 경력

​턱관절 및 교합관련 치료 전문의

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NET (New Excellent Technology) certification by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare.


"ENT clinic and neurologist in South Korea tend to apply CPAP(continuous positive airway pressure) in an effort to improve snoring and apnea. But positive airway pressure is considered as second best as it is hard on nose and airway and it is difficult to accommodate.”
The main reason for snoring and sleep apnea is because the air does not go in and out of the airway smoothly. And it has been reported that many mouth
guards sold on the market are rather causing uncomfortableness and pain instead of helping the breathing nice and easy.

“There are 18 reported reasons to cause snoring and sleep apnea. The four most frequently quoted reasons are 1) a twist of cervical vertebrae  2) tongue retreating back  3) the lower jaw retreating 4) unlevelled of temporomandibular joints. Because the anatomical structure of head and neck is hereditary so the snoring and sleep apnea likely to be hereditary too”。

PASA is designed to make a calculated very fine space between the each tooth and inner surface of the appliance and even after wearing it so the patient can move the jaw inside of the appliance to exclude any damage or harmful loads to the TMJ, teeth and surrounding muscles while sleeping.  Hence no side effects, no discomfort, and no pains. According to Dr. park, Pasa has showed 90 to 95% miracle success rates.

“PASA also improved performance of the lungs and eased the rhinitis. Because I'm confident with our technologies and its effect, customers who are not satisfied will get 100% refund. So far, only 5% has been made refund which means that most customers feel satisfied with performance of PASA.”

PASA has 5 patents issued from South Korea and a number of other foreign patents issued from Europe, Canada, Japan, China and America. PASA obtained a NET(New Excellence Technology) from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and received a gold prize at the Korea Invention Exhibition.

 Pasa Medi is, a GMP obtained, fabricates PASA for snoring/apnea and PASA BRUX for grinding teeth.

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